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11 December 2024
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Student App Revocation

The Effect of Deactivating a Student

This is a release that changes the effect that deactivation of a student has on their use of the student app. Up to now, deactivating a student simply removed them from your sight as an instructor leaving their access to the student app unaffected. This has now been changed.

With immediate effect ALL deactivated students will still have access to the student app but they will no longer have access to the resources or the syllabus along with any recorded progress against that syllabus. They will still have access to their 'Journey so far' i.e., lesson details, reflective logs, payments, terms and conditions, and test history, as well as their student profile.

This is very much phase 1 of the student revocation process and it will be enhanced to provide more flexibility when time allows.

If you have any issues with this release or require help with any other aspect of the app, please email us at

Written by
Emma Ashley

Award-winning admin app for instructors & multi-car schools


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