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Get the latest information on new releases, features, tips and advice to help you run your driving school business.

Web Lessons

TL;DR This is a web-only release to allow instructors to access lesson details in list form, by student, showing the current status of all lessons as well as the date/time, duration, lesson type, and start and end locations. The release also allows team administrators to do the same for their team’s students. Lesson List AContinue reading "Web Lessons"

Written by
Emma Ashley

Web Teams

TL;DR You can now convert your independent account into a multi-user account via the new Team section on our website.  Add anyone who helps you with admin support, invite instructors to join your team or learn how to expand and take over the world!  Teams You now have a “Team” option on the menu bar. Continue reading "Web Teams"

Written by
Emma Ashley

Student App Revocation

The Effect of Deactivating a Student This is a release that changes the effect that deactivation of a student has on their use of the student app. Up to now, deactivating a student simply removed them from your sight as an instructor leaving their access to the student app unaffected. This has now been changed.Continue reading "Student App Revocation"

Written by
Emma Ashley

Web Summaries

TL;DR This is a web-only release to allow summary information to be added via the web app and for the lesson to be completed as well. A by-product of this is the ability to add planning notes before the lesson. Diary Previously, clicking a lesson in the diary would show the ‘Edit Lesson’ screen andContinue reading "Web Summaries"

Written by
Emma Ashley

Global Search

TL;DR This is a web only release to allow instructors and administrators to search for specific information across instructors and students. The global search, available on every page on the web app, can be done for names, phone numbers or email addresses or part thereof and can be limited to active students or all students.Continue reading "Global Search"

Written by
Emma Ashley

Award-winning admin app for instructors & multi-car schools


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